
Competitive Intelligence Company

Your Online Reputation Reflects the Opinions of Your Audience 

Your online reputation is mainly shaped by the opinions of your customers, partners, and employees on social media, blogs, Google reviews, forums, review platforms, and comments. Our company, specialized in Competitive Intelligence, offers a team of data analysts to monitor and protect your brand image and the reputation of your products and services.

As a french company, we specialize in assisting american companies  with monitoring the french market. Powered by a team of experienced artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysts, we process data in real-time, provide clear and concise reports, and alert you in case

Competitive Intelligence company : Our Services 

  • Configure monitoring tools and set up online reputation tracking queries 
  • Develop an effective monitoring strategy: social listening/monitoring, reporting, alerting 
  • Listen to, sort, and analyze conversations and reviews on the web using AI: sentiment analysis, keywords, clusters, demographics 
  • Back up AI analysis with manual analysis by our expert data analysts 
  • Analyze negative conversations and reviews on the web by expert data analysts 
  • Create daily, short-term, or long-term reports and summaries. Visualize monitored data in expert tools  
  • Advise on response strategies to improve communication for your brand, company, or executives 
  • Anticipate weak signals to detect potential crises and alert you, manage crisis communication 
  • Help your team internalize monitoring services by selecting an expert monitoring tool suited to your needs and incorporating AI 
  • Train your staff on using a monitoring tool 
of consumers would be willing to use a company whose reviews describe a positive experience – Source: Guest Suite

Would you like to know more about how we conduct online reputation monitoring ?

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Attacks on brands, companies, personalities, along with fake news and the proliferation of online discussions are threats to your online reputation. Our expertise in social media intelligence ensures that our services sustain a solid digital reputation. We listen to and analyze online conversations, identifying communication opportunities, risks, and potential crisis signals. This allows us to target relevant influencers, ambassadors, and detractors, mapping their spheres of influence. Partnering with us ensures permanent business surveillance and crisis readiness. Our personalized, AI-enabled approach, supports you through your online monitoring process with tailored solutions.  

Competitive Intelligence Company : our methodology

To protect your image and online reputation, IDAOS uses leading software in online reputation management. Our tools, equipped with machine learning, operate in all languages and on all platforms with open APIs. They pre-analyze data, tone, message sources, and senders. We collect and sort millions of data points based on queries programmed by our analysts to cover desired topics. These results are analyzed daily to alert you or provide insights that facilitate decision-making. 

<undefined>Needs assessment, and, if necessary, auditing and mapping </undefined>
<undefined>Setting up the monitoring tool, programming queries, sorting/extracting, and data processing</undefined>
<undefined>Analysis of online mentions by data analysts, detection of weak signals, and insights</undefined>
<undefined>Data visualization, reporting at the agreed frequency, personalized feedback, and advice</undefined>

Competitive Intelligence : Why choose Idaos ?

Extensive experience in online reputation management 

  • Numerous clients supported on online reputation issues across various sectors: real estate, software publishing, banking, finance, entertainment, etc
  • Numerous crises managed on B2B and B2C issues: denigration, political and societal issues, incriminating television programs, hunger strikes, risks of building collapse…
  • A proven methodology to ensure comprehensive monitoring of your online reputation
  • 24/7 intervention capability, especially for crisis management

Specialized Consultants and Experts

  • Consultants and experts specialized in online reputation management
  • Expertise combining technical know-how for tool configuration and the ability to analyze and synthesize for report production
  • In-depth knowledge of market-leading online reputation monitoring tools
  • An approach combining human expertise and the use of artificial intelligence
  • A single point of contact for each of our projects

To Go Further

How to combine Artificial Intelligence (AI) with human analysis to serve your online reputation ? 

At Idaos, we combine Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the expertise and analytical skills of our analysts for the benefit of our clients. This synergy enables us to be more effective in certain strategic areas of our support: 

Massive Volume of Data:

The AI embedded in our monitoring tools allows us to process vast amounts of data from various online sources. For example, it enables the creation of clusters of publications to identify key and recurring topics. This massive task would be nearly impossible to perform efficiently manually. This processing capability guarantees continuous and in-depth monitoring of online mentions

Creative and Strategic Analysis:

AI processes vast and complex data, enabling our analysts and experts to focus on creative and strategic tasks, such as developing key messages or planning campaigns


AI can analyze and provide insights in real-time. This means it can detect trends, discussions, and changes in opinion as soon as they appear on the web, allowing for quick and proactive responses to manage a situation. Our analysts can then interpret these trends and discussions to alert you promptly

Influencer Identification and Segmentation:

AI can identify key individuals who influence online discussions. Our team of experts can then analyze each influencer group in detail to define specific actions to positively influence these groups

Advanced Analysis:

AI algorithms can analyze sentiment, tone, and context behind online mentions, distinguishing between positive, negative, or neutral discussions. Our analysts can then adjust the tone of certain publications that the tool may not interpret correctly due to its limitations, such as understanding irony

Contextual interpretation:

AI provides data and trends, while also allowing our analysts interpret this information in the specific context of the brand or industry

Thus, we leverage the best of both aspects: the speed, efficiency and processing power of AI, combined with our team’s analytical and synthesis skills, intuition and contextual expertise.

Why Are Monitoring and Social Listening Essential in Identifying and Managing Crises ?

Social listening and monitoring tools offer many advantages when identifying weak signals and managing crises : 

Early Detection:

Monitoring and social listening enable the detection of weak signals or the early stages of a crisis before they escalate. Quickly identifying an increase in complaints, questions, or negative sentiments allows you to take action before the situation worsens

Identification of Influencers and Key Players:

Identifying influencers and key stakeholders (such as opinion leaders or pressure groups) helps understand how the crisis is spreading on the web and social media. This enables you to reach out to some of these influencers to restore the company’s image with your target audience

Public Understanding:

In times of crisis, understanding your community’s perceptions, concerns, and questions is crucial. Social listening allows you to adapt your communication to directly address your audience’s concerns

Measuring the Effectiveness of Communications:

By analyzing the audience’s reaction to your crisis communication, you can measure the effectiveness of your messages and adjust your approach if necessary

Reputation Management:

A crisis can quickly damage your company’s reputation. Monitoring allows you to track and analyze sentiments and discussions around your brand, helping to contain and limit the scope of the crisis as much as possible

Preparation and Training:

The insights gained can be used to train staff and prepare more reliable crisis plans, anticipating the types of problems and reactions that could arise

Real-Time Tracking:

During a crisis, situations can change rapidly. Monitoring provides real-time tracking, keeping you informed of recent developments and allowing you to adapt your communication strategy accordingly